Are you looking to give your home a makeover with a fresh coat of paint? Whether you’re planning an exterior or interior painting project, it’s important to ensure that the job is done right. A poorly executed painting job can leave your house looking worse than before and cost you more in the long run from repairs and repainting.

At Despres Painting, we are dedicated to helping homeowners in Columbia, SC get the best results for their painting projects. In this post, we’ll provide tips on how to avoid common mistakes when it comes to exterior painting so that you can be sure your project looks great!

Skipping Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is an essential step in the painting process and can significantly affect the quality of the results. Skipping this step can lead to a subpar paint job that won’t last as long, or worse, could cost you more money in repairs and repainting down the line. Proper surface preparation involves several steps, including cleaning, sanding, and priming.

Cleaning is one of the first steps as it removes dirt, debris, and contaminants that could interfere with the adhesion of your paint. This can be done using a pressure washer or other approved cleaner. Then comes sanding to smooth out any imperfections on your exterior walls for a smoother finish when applying your paint. This should be done with an orbital sander or sandpaper to ensure even coverage when prepping for priming. Applying primer before painting helps to increase adhesion between the wall and paint so that your new color stays put for longer periods of time.

It’s easy to see why skipping surface preparation can be costly—it hinders true color accuracy, increases the likelihood of paint flaking or chipping sooner than expected, and creates a weaker bond between the wall and paint leading to a shorter lifespan of your project results. By making sure you properly prepare surfaces prior to painting, you are ensuring professional-grade results without all the extra costs associated with repairing mistakes due to poor surface prep methods.

Ignoring Weather Conditions

Ignoring weather conditions can have a huge impact on the quality of an external painting job. Hot and dry conditions, for example, can cause paint to dry too quickly and result in a rough finish. On the other hand, cold and wet weather such as rain or snow can prevent the paint from drying properly or even freeze it before it has a chance to dry. This can lead to bubbling, blisters and peeling due to moisture being trapped under the paint film. Additionally, direct sunlight can cause paint colors to fade or discolor.

To ensure that your project looks great, it’s important to plan your exterior painting project during ideal weather conditions, such as mild temperatures with low humidity levels and no precipitation. Skipping this step could result in an uneven finish with unintended color irregularities.

Choosing the Wrong Paint

Choosing the right type and quality of paint for your home’s exterior is essential to a successful painting job. Not only does it affect the look of the finished product, but also its durability over time. When selecting exterior paint, there are several factors to consider such as:

  • Durability – Choose a paint that is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, moisture, and other elements in your climate.

  • Climate – Take into account how much sun or rain you get in your area when picking out an appropriate color and finish for exterior painting projects. Glossy finishes may fade faster in direct sunlight while matte paints can be more susceptible to dirt and grime accumulation from rainfall or wind-blown debris.

Using Poor-Quality Tools and Equipment

High-quality painting tools are designed for durability and maximum coverage so that you get a smooth finish even on hard-to-reach areas. Professional painters often opt for natural bristles instead of synthetic ones as these are known to work better with certain paints. This ensures an even application of color and helps prevent brush marks from appearing in the finished product. Investing in good quality paint supplies such as brushes, rollers, sandpaper, primers, masking tapes, drop cloths and spray guns can help produce better results that look great for years.

Rushing Through the Painting Process

It is important to avoid rushing through an exterior painting project because doing so can lead to imperfections such as missed spots, drips, and an uneven finish. Properly preparing the surface and applying paint evenly will prevent the need for extra coats and the possibility of having to start over.

To ensure a smooth and professional-looking finish, it’s important to take your time while prepping, painting and cleaning up. This means giving each coat sufficient drying time before applying another one and using steady strokes when brushing or rolling on the paint. It’s also essential to leave plenty of time for repairs if needed after each coat is finished to avoid any further damage down the road. Taking your time ensures that you get better coverage in fewer coats and minimizes potential mistakes due to rushed applications.

Exterior Painting in Columbia SC by Despres Painting

At Despres Painting, we understand that a professional and well-executed exterior paint job can have a huge impact on the appearance and protection of your home. Our experienced painting contractors in Columbia SC are knowledgeable about proper surface preparation, weather conditions, and choosing the right paints for lasting results. To complete any outdoor project you may want to be done, we also offer services such as:

  • Front Door Painting

  • Garage Door Painting

  • Trim, Shutters, & Soffits Painting

  • Siding Repair

  • Gutters & Downspouts Painting

  • Deck and Fence Staining

  • Carpentry & Wood Replacement Services (Prep-work)

For expert assistance with all your exterior painting needs in Columbia SC or nearby areas like Blythewood, Lexington or Forest Acres call us at 803-991-4774 for a free estimate! You can find us quickly by searching “painting company near me” on Google so don’t wait – get started transforming your property now!